Tag Archives: song


I lost access to my iPod (under mysterious circumstances…!), so I can’t take pictures of a few sketches I’ve been working on. I’m also working on a digital coloring project I’ll upload here when I’m done.

Recoloring project 2a

First Draft.

I’ve also been working on multiple songs, one’s unfinished, and the other one’s a short collab which I don’t yet have permission to post.

Finally, I’ve been working on another batch of chapters for Tales of Aeridan republic. 11 should be ready soon.

More stuffs!

I’ve finished the second draft of chapter 6. Please take a look, and leave suggestions for improvement.

I’ve also been working on a new song. It’s not finished yet, but I think its worth checking out if I say so myself.

October Update

This month I…

  1. Forgot to update
  2. Defeated Kelly. (again)
  3. Wrote a song.
  4. Made my baby bro a game.
  5. Made art!
  6. Dressed up for halloween.
  7. Video gamin’! and
  8. Pumpkin Carvin’!

What a ‘lovely’ month.